Exercise 1
For each pair of structures below give a closed formula that holds in one structure but not in the other:
- \(\langle {\mathbb N},\leq\rangle\) and \(\langle \{m-{1\over n}\ |\ m,n\in{\mathbb N}-\{0\}\}, \leq\rangle\);
- \(\langle {\mathbb N}, +\rangle\) and \(\langle {\mathbb Z}, +\rangle\);
- \(\langle {\mathbb N}, \leq\rangle\) and \(\langle {\mathbb Z}, \leq\rangle\).
Exercise 2
Give examples of closed formulas \(\varphi\) and \(\psi\) such that
- \(\varphi\) holds in \({\mathfrak A} = \langle {\mathbb Z}, +, 0 \rangle\), but not in \({\mathfrak B} = \langle {\mathbb N}, +, 0 \rangle\);
- \(\psi\) holds in \({\mathfrak B} = \langle {\mathbb Z}, +, 0 \rangle\), but not in \({\mathfrak C} = \langle {\mathbb Q}, +, 0 \rangle\).
Exercise 3
Give an example of a first order formula
- satisfiable in the field of real numbers, but not in the field of rational numbers;
- satisfiable in the algebra \({\mathbb N}\) with multiplication, but not in the algebra \({\mathbb N}\) with addition;
- satisfiable in \(\langle \{a,b\}^*,\cdot,\varepsilon\rangle\), but not in \(\langle \{a,b,c\}^*,\cdot,\varepsilon\rangle\).
Exercise 4
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that \(Spec(\varphi)=Spec(\lnot\varphi).\)
Exercise 5
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that \(Spec(\varphi)=\{ n^{2}~/~n\in\mathbb{N}\}.\)
Exercise 6
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that \(Spec(\varphi)=\{ 2*n~/~n\in\mathbb{N}\}.\)
Exercise 7
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that \(Spec(\varphi)=\{ n~/~n\in\mathbb{N}\) and \(n\) is not a prime number\(\}\).
Exercise 8
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that \(Spec(\varphi)=\{ 2^{n}~/~n\in\mathbb{N}\}.\)
Exercise 9
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that for each natural number \(n,\) \(\varphi\) has exactly \(n\) non-isomorphic models of cardinality \(n.\)
Exercise 10
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that for each natural number \(n,\) \(\varphi\) has exactly \(2^{n}\) non-isomorphic models of cardinality \(n.\)
Exercise 11
Give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that for each natural number \(n,\) \(\varphi\) has exactly \(n!\) non-isomorphic models of cardinality \(n.\)
Exercise 12
For a given \(k\in\mathbb{N},\) give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that for each natural number \(n,\) \(\varphi\) has exactly \({n \choose k}\) non-isomorphic models of cardinality \(n.\)
Exercise 13
For a given \(k\in\mathbb{N},\) give an example of a closed formula \(\varphi\) (over a signature of your choice) such that for each natural number \(n,\) \(\varphi\) has exactly \(n^{k}\) non-isomorphic models of cardinality \(n.\)
Exercise 14
Give a formula \(\varphi(x,y)\) that holds in the standard model of arithmetics iff \(x\) and \(y\) are co-prime.
Exercise 15
Give a formula \(\varphi(x,y,z)\) that holds in the standard model of arithmetics iff \(z\) is the greatest common divisor of \(x\) and \(y.\)
Exercise 16
Give a formula \(\varphi(x,y,z)\) that holds in the standard model of arithmetics iff \(y\) is the greater number that is a power of a prime, which does not divide \(x.\)
Exercise 17
Consider finite directed cycles \(\mathfrak{C}\) over the signature containing a single binary relational symbol \(E\).
Show that for each natural number \(n\) there is a first order formula \(\varphi_n(x,y,z)\) using only three variables (which can be requantified as often as needed) such that for each finite cycle \(\mathfrak{C}\) the following equivalence holds: \(\mathfrak{C},x:a,y:b,z:c\models\varphi_n(x,y,z)\) iff \(\mathfrak{C}\) has \(3n\) edges, and the directed distances from \(a\) to \(b\), form \(b\) to \(c\), and from \(c\) to \(a\) are all equal to \(n\).
Exercise 18
Consider finite binary trees \(\mathfrak{T}\) over the signature consisting of two binary relational symbols \(L\) i \(P\), where \(L(x,y)\) means that \(y\) is the left son of \(x\), and similarly \(P\) denotes the right son. Each node can have 0, 1 or 2 sons, always at most one left and at most one right.
Show that for each natural \(n\) there is a closed first order formula \(\varphi _{n}\) using only two variables (which can be requantified as often as needed) such that for each finite binary tree \(\mathfrak{T}\) the following equivalence holds: \(\mathfrak{T}\models\varphi _{n}\) iff \(\mathfrak{T}\) is the full binary tree of depth \(n\).